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Utility Types

Jin-Frame has 2 utility types likes that ConstructorType, OmitConstructorType. If you have created a request in a complex types of Jin-Frame, you have to also create a constructor parameter in a complex type. Utility types reduce overhead of that task.


ConstructorType extract member variable only from Jin-Frame.

class Test001PostFrame extends JinEitherFrame {
public readonly passing!: string;

public readonly username!: string[];

public readonly password!: string;

constructor(args: ConstructorType<Test001PostFrame>) {
super({ ...args });


OmitConstructorType extract member variable only from Jin-Frame and some variable omit.

class Test001PostFrame extends JinEitherFrame {
public readonly passing!: string;

public readonly username!: string[];

public readonly password!: string;

constructor(args: OmitConstructorType<Test001PostFrame, 'host' | 'method' | 'contentType'>) {
host: '',
method: 'POST',


OmitConstructorType extract member variable only from Jin-Frame and some variable omit.

class Test001PostFrame extends JinEitherFrame {
public readonly passing!: string;

public readonly username!: string[];

public readonly password!: string;

// JinConstructorType omit 'host', 'path', 'method', 'contentType'
constructor(args: JinConstructorType<Test001PostFrame>) {
host: '',
method: 'POST',


OmitConstructorType extract member variable only from Jin-Frame and some variable omit.

class Test001PostFrame extends JinEitherFrame {
public readonly passing!: string;

public readonly username!: string[];

public readonly password!: string;

// JinConstructorType omit 'host', 'path', 'method', 'contentType'
constructor(args: JinOmitConstructorType<Test001PostFrame, 'usename'>) {
host: '',
method: 'POST',